2022/09/23 11:00
お百度参り を英語で教えて!
・Paying one's respects
・Making a pilgrimage
・Performing a hundred visits.
My grandmother has been paying her respects at the shrine for my success on the upcoming exams.
「Paying one's respects」は「敬意を表す」という意味で、何かしらのフォーマルな状況や人々が礼儀をもって接するべき状況で使われます。一般的には、葬式や墓地訪問時、高位の人物に対して、または敬意を表すべき特定の場所で用いられることが多いです。また、敬意を表す行為自体を指すこともあります。直訳すると「自分の敬意を払う」となります。
My grandmother is making a pilgrimage for my success in the exams.
My grandmother has been performing a hundred visits to the temple for my successful exam results.
Making a pilgrimage refers to a journey to a sacred place or with a spiritual purpose, often associated with religions such as Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, etc. It implies an essential and serious trip for spiritual growth or fulfillment of religious duty. Whereas, "Performing a hundred visits" doesn't necessarily have any religious or spiritual connotations and just refers to visiting a place or person frequently or repeatedly. A person might speak about performing a hundred visits to a friend's house or a local museum. It can be either for leisure or duty, but not necessarily religious.
・hundred times worship
・ritual of visiting and praying at the same shrine a hundred times
「お百度参り」は英語では hundred times worship や、説明的ですが ritual of visiting and praying at the same shrine a hundred times などで表現することができると思います。
My grandmother is doing the hundred times worship for my success in entrance examinations.