2023/04/13 22:00
文章問題の意図が読み取れない を英語で教えて!
・I can't understand the intent of the question in the text.
・I can't grasp the meaning of the question in the text.
・The intent of the question in the text eludes me.
I can't understand the intent of the question in the text, so I always get low scores in modern language.
I can't grasp the meaning of the question in the text. I always score low in modern language tests.
The intent of the question in the text eludes me, which is why I always score low in modern language.
「I can't grasp the meaning of the question in the text.」は直訳すると「テキスト内の質問の意味が掴めない」となり、質問の意味が理解できない状況で使用されます。一方、「The intent of the question in the text eludes me.」は「テキスト内の質問の意図が私には理解できない」となり、質問の目的や意図が理解できないときに使われます。前者は質問自体が難解な場合、後者は質問の目的が不明な場合に使い分けられます。
・can't understand the meaning of
I can't understand the meaning of the question
「文章問題の意図が読み取れない」は英語で「I can't understand the meaning of the question」と表現することができます。
「意図が読み取れない」は「問題の意味がわからない、問われていることがわからない」と言い換え、「can't understand the meaning of the question」と伝えるとわかりやすいと思います。
I can't understand the meaning of the question and I always get low marks in modern Japanese.