Yoshida Toruさん
2024/04/16 10:00
餅は血糖値が上がりすぎる を英語で教えて!
・It's not good to eat mochi since it makes the blood sugar level too high.
・You should avoid eating mochi, which makes your blood sugar rise too much.
1. It's not good to eat mochi since it makes the blood sugar level too high.
日本語でいうNGは、英語のno goodの略ですが、和製英語なので、NGと言っても通じません。to eat mochiで「餅を食べるのは」になります。since it(mochi) makes the blood sugar level too high.で「血糖値が上がりすぎる」です。
2. You should avoid eating mochi, which makes your blood sugar rise too much.
should avoid eating mochiで「餅を食べるのをさけるべき」になります。blood sugar「血糖値」がrise too muchで「高くあがりすぎる」になります。