Fujiwara Keitaさん
Fujiwara Keitaさん
若い頃は爆モテしてた を英語で教えて!
2023/12/20 10:00
2024/06/11 00:00
・I was quite the heartthrob when I was young.
・I was a real ladies' man in my youth.
・Back in the day, I was quite a hit with the ladies.
I was quite the heartthrob when I was young.
I was a real ladies' man in my youth, you know.
Back in the day, I was quite a hit with the ladies, just like you said you were cute when you were young.
両方のフレーズは似た意味を持っていますが、Back in the day, I was quite a hit with the ladies. はよりカジュアルで、若干自慢げなニュアンスがあります。一方、I was a real ladies' man in my youth. はよりフォーマルで、自己評価を控えめに述べている感じがあります。使い分けは主に話す相手や状況によります。
2023/12/21 06:43
・I was popular with boys(girls) explosively when I was younger.
・I was attractive to the boys(girls) explosively when I was younger.
I was popular with boys(girls) explosively when I was younger.
be popular with 〜 で「〜に人気がある」「〜にモテる」という意味を表せます。また、explosively は「爆発的に」という意味を表す副詞です。
I'm not bragging, but I was popular with boys explosively when I was younger.
I was attractive to the boys(girls) explosively when I was younger.
attractive は「魅力的な」という意味を表す形容詞ですが、be attractive to 〜 で「〜にモテる」というニュアンスを表せます。
I was a model, so I was attractive to the boys explosively when I was younger.