2023/06/09 10:00
脱いだ靴下を床に置きっぱなしにしないで を英語で教えて!
・Don't leave your socks on the floor after taking them off.
・Don't just toss your socks on the floor after taking them off.
・Don't scatter your socks on the floor after you've taken them off.
Hey, kiddo, don't leave your socks on the floor after taking them off, okay?
Hey kiddo, don't just toss your socks on the floor after taking them off, okay?
Don't scatter your socks on the floor after you've taken them off, please pick them up.
Don't just toss your socks on the floor after taking them off.はソックスを床に無造作に投げる行為を注意しています。一方、Don't scatter your socks on the floor after you've taken them off.はソックスが床上に散らばっている状況を指しています。Tossは一つの行動、scatterは一連の行動や結果を示すので、使い方はその状況によります。ネイティブスピーカーは、子供やパートナーが部屋を散らかす度にこれらの表現を使い分けるでしょう。
・Don't take off your socks and leave them on the floor.
・Don't pull off your socks and leave them on the floor.
「脱いだ靴下を床に置きっぱなしにしないで」は英語では Don't take off your socks and leave them on the floor. や Don't pull off your socks and leave them on the floor. などで表現することができると思います。
I always say that! Don't take off your socks and leave them on the floor!
※ちなみに、スラングですが sock は「1発喰らわせる」というような意味で使われることもあります。