Moeko Stoさん
2022/10/10 10:00
両替したいのですが、手数料がかかりますか? を英語で教えて!
・I'd like to exchange some money, but will there be a service charge?
・I'd like to change some currency, but will I be charged a commission?
・I want to convert some cash, but will there be any fees for that?
Excuse me, I'd like to exchange some money, but will there be a service charge?
I'd like to exchange some currency, but will I be charged a commission?
I want to convert some cash, but will there be any fees for that?
これらの表現には特定の使い分けはなく、同じ意味を持つ表現です。しかし、「I'd like to change some currency」はより正式な状況で使われることが多く、一方で「I want to convert some cash」はもう少しカジュアルで日常的な会話でよく使われます。どちらのフレーズも金融機関や両替所での通貨の両替を尋ねる時に使用でき、使い方は話し手の個人的な好みによるところが大きいです。
・I would like to exchange money, but is there a fee?
・I would like to change money, but is there a handling charge?
「両替したいのですが、手数料がかかりますか?」は英語では I would like to exchange money, but is there a fee? や I would like to change money, but is there a handling charge? などで表現することができます。
Excuse me, I would like to exchange money, but is there a fee?
Excuse me,I would like to change money, but is there a handling charge?