美人トレーナー キムの1日は、大忙し!
- 7am wake up / eat breakfast/ go to office
- What is your strategy for training new teachers?
- What makes you fun about being in a Radio Station?
- You look so busy. When do you take a rest?
7am wake up / eat breakfast/ go to office
『Good morning, ○○!』とあいさつをしてくれます♪
8am work (training for new teachers)
12pm having lunch break
1pm work
5pm leaving work
Go homeでもなく、友達とhang outでもなく、
6pm radio
11pm go to sleep
さて、ここで美人トレーナー キムにインタビュー!
What is your strategy for training new teachers?
I train teachers with passion and commitment. For new teachers, I start with introducing them about the company and its goals to achieve its peak of success. Getting to know each other will never be forgotten, yet it is not going to be the usual way. I always create a different technique on how they are going to introduce themselves in a nice and interesting way that they will surely love. Then, I orient them with the company policies and other rules and regulations, especially the good manner of conducting classes. Also, I let them make their selves oriented with the Native Camp system with its overview then I let them watch pre-recorded classes, observe actual classes and evaluate them about what they observe, so they will have an idea on how to fully-utilize the system when conducting classes and others. Moreover, I let them go through the categorized books per level then we will conduct demo classes, and evaluate them until they improve. In addition to that, I also let them observe classes for them to get strategies from other teachers and be more equipped of what to do during the actual class on the floor. I also orient them on how to compose proper messages to their students to be clearer and more effective for their students to understand. Additionally, I insert my grammar discussions and activities for them to be more developed and better when conducting classes. I want them to enhance their grammar skills and their delivery of handling classes. Nobody is perfect, yet everyone can be better.
Furthermore, for the teachers who are already on the floor, I monitor them or track their performance as I continue to give them grammar activities. I motivate them to take part in every activity, so they will continue to develop greater skills. It is also part of my assessment to them.
What makes you fun about being in a Radio Station?
Being a DJ on the Radio is my passion. I feel like I am not working when I am on the radio. I simply put my best foot forward unto it since this is my passion. I love playing music, reading greetings or messages on-air, giving pieces of advice when a listener needs my advice, talking on-air about a lot of things to motivate or encourage my listeners, to entertain them and relate with them. Also, I always have fun interviewing celebrities. What I also love about my job, I can host different kinds of events and meeting different kinds of people and personalities.
You look so busy. When do you take a rest?
I may look so busy with all those things, yet I tend to manage my time because I love what I am doing. That is why I also give time for myself. I rest right after my radio job. On weekends, I also find time to rest for longer hours although I still have my radio job then I rest with my family around me. Happiness is with me when I do all those things. I appreciate life so much.
彼女のように、"情熱 Passion"を持ち、楽しい人生を過ごせたらいいですね。