Top 10 Recommended Online Japanese Classes

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in learning Japanese. Whether driven by the dream of living in Japan, a passion for Japanese pop culture like anime and manga, or professional aspirations, the motivations are diverse and equally valid.

The desire to learn a new language is always a positive endeavor, especially now when technology has made learning more accessible than ever before.

The rapid shift to remote work and online education in 2019 and 2020 has accelerated this trend, prompting many Japanese language academies to adapt by offering comprehensive online courses. These courses cater to learners worldwide, irrespective of their proficiency level or geographic location.

Here's a curated list of the top-rated online Japanese courses that allow you to learn comfortably from home:

Learn Japanese Anytime with NativeCamp

NativeCamp offers unlimited Japanese conversation lessons, allowing students to engage freely and frequently to develop conversational skills naturally at a competitive cost per lesson.

Their "Sudden Lesson" feature provides on-demand, reservation-free Japanese lessons 24/7, catering to flexible schedules and short time frames like breaks or before bedtime.

The platform supports learning across devices, accommodating diverse lifestyles, while native Japanese speakers provide comprehensive support for mastering language skills, including pronunciation and accent refinement.

Tokyo Central Japanese Language School (TCJ)

Website: TCJ

Located conveniently near Shinanomachi Station, TCJ boasts over 35 years of experience in Japanese language education. They offer a wide range of courses, including intensive daytime classes and personalized online sessions tailored to meet diverse learning objectives.

Akira Online Japanese School TOKYO

Website: Akira

Akira employs a scientific approach rooted in Second-Language Acquisition research to enhance conversational skills efficiently. Their "flipped learning" method emphasizes preparation before live classes, ensuring effective learning outcomes.

Shinjuku Japanese Language Institute

Shinjuku Japanese Language Institute stands out with its innovative Ezoe Method, proven effective over 40 years. They now offer these classes online, including a budget-friendly 30-hour course starting at 49,500 yen, ideal for those planning to visit or work in Japan.

Coto Japanese Academy

Website: Coto Academy

A well-regarded Tokyo-based school, Coto Academy swiftly transitioned to online classes in 2020. They offer a variety of courses and provide free educational materials on their blog and YouTube channel.

Nihongo Master

Website: Nihongo Master

Nihongo Master stands out with its self-paced learning approach, ideal for busy individuals. It offers structured lessons, practice tests, pronunciation audios, and interactive features like discussion groups and podcasts.

Website: Nihongo-pro

This online academy provides private lessons with customized content and interactive whiteboard sessions, mimicking a real classroom experience. Free quizzes and games complement their lessons.


Website: Udemy
While not a traditional school, Udemy hosts a wide array of Japanese language courses created by individual instructors. It offers flexibility in course selection and caters to both hobbyists and professionals.


Website: Loecsen

Loecsen offers free basic Japanese language courses structured around practical themes, complete with audio for pronunciation practice. It's an excellent resource for beginners or travelers planning a trip to Japan.


Website: JapaTalk
With over 15 years of experience, JapaTalk provides private online lessons via Skype, offering flexibility in teacher selection and lesson scheduling at affordable rates.


Website: edX

Founded by Harvard and MIT, edX hosts courses from prestigious Japanese universities like The University of Tokyo and Kyoto University. It's an ideal platform for accessing high-quality educational content on various subjects, including Japanese language and culture.

Whether you're a beginner or aiming for proficiency, these online Japanese courses offer flexibility and diverse learning approaches to suit every learner's needs.

Explore these options from the comfort of your home and embark on your journey to mastering Japanese!