こんにちは、リーンです。今回2回目のブログです!Hello! This is Reen for the 2nd round of my staff blog.
今回はボランティア活動のことではなくThis time, we won’t be talking about the volunteer work.
フィリピンの美味しい食べ物についてお話したいと思います!Let’s talk about some of the mouth-watering dishes from the Philippines.
フィリピンフードは、スペインの影響を受けているんですよ。Alright, let’s talk about food.
We all know that the Philippines is known for having a wide variety of delicious food.
Most of them are influenced by the Spanish colonizers,
and were handed down from one generation to the other.
それでは、8月21日について皆様と共有させていただきますね。So much for that, let me share to you what happened last August 21.
仕事帰りに職場の同僚とパークモール(ショッピングモール)へ行きました。もちろんレストランへは行くつもりでしたが、何を食べるかは決めていませんでした。We went to Parkmall after work. We planned to go have dinner at a restaurant.
WE haven’t decided what we want to eat yet.
Kuma-chan said, “I want to try Filipino foods”,
so Sayaka and I brought her to a local restaurant in Parkmall.
今回は“Dong Juan”というフィリピンフードレストランに行くことに。And we decided to have our dinner at Dong Juan.
Dong Juanの“Dong”はビサヤ語(セブ島で話されている言語)で、
Dong is a Cebuano term of endearment,
usually used to address a young man or a little boy.
実は私、ここが高級レストランだと思い込み、入るのを躊躇っていたのですが、間違っていました!とてもお財布にやさしいレストランです。At first, I hesitated if I should go because I was thinking;
I am going to spend a lot for dinner because the name of the restaurant itself,
can tell you that it is an expensive restaurant. I was wrong;
they offer a variety of Filipino dishes at a very “pocket-friendly” price.
私たちは、牛肉の煮込み料理、シシグ、ステーキをオーダーしました。We ordered Dong Juan Beef Tips, Filipino Sisig in Olive Oil and Burger Steak.
And also plain rice, to pair with these main dishes
Dong Juan Beef Tips
Filipino Sisig in Olive Oil
シシグとは、実は豚の頭と肝臓をチョップして、カラマンシーと一緒に混ぜたもの。響き、、、悪いですよね?でも食べたらわかるんです!Sisig is served hot with calamansi.
It is a dish made from chopped parts of pig’s head and liver,
usually marinated with calamansi. Sounds, strange?
Well, you’ll changed your mind once you try this delicious dish.
I also don’t like the sound of this dish, made from pig’s head and liver,
but the moment I tried it at Dong Juan for the 1st time,
I was speechless and WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This dish is so good!!! Added to my list of favorite food already!
I like it with more calamansi, the sour it is, the better it is!
Burger Steak
Mouth-watering isn’t it? Yumm........
The Burger Steak costs Php 149.00,
the Filipino Sisig in Olive Oil costs Php 129.00
and the Dong Juan Beef Tips costs 279.00.