
NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN at 04:30 March 01


An international research team of specialists has learned that one out of every five corona virus patients in China aged 80 or over has died.
The team analyzed the data of 55,729 people in China who were infected as of February 20th.
2,114 of them have died, which translates to a rate of 3.8 percent.
The fatality rate was higher among older people reaching 21.9 percent for those over 80.
Fatalities were also higher among people who had other diseases and develop complications.
13.2 percent of those who had cardiovascular diseases and 7.2 percent of those who had diabetes have died.
The overall fatality rate in Wuhan is 5.8 percent while in other regions it is only 0.7 percent.
Only a few children have contracted the virus and their symptoms are relatively mild.
Among young people under 19 years of age, only 2.4 percent, have contracted the virus.

20/03/01 (日) 03:57



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