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  • 2024-09

    “Long time no see,” Dedie said softly.

    “Too long,” Appie replied, smiling. “But some things never change.”

    They sat and talked for hours, sharing stories of struggles, triumphs, and the little things that still made them laugh. The years melted away, and they realized that true bromance could survive even the longest distance and the most silent years.

    By the time the sun began to set, they knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter — one they were ready to write together.

  • 2024-08

    In a bright forest, Pepie the squirrel had a huge pile of acorns. One day, he saw Dedei the mouse looking very hungry and sad.Feeling sorry for Dedei, Pepie shared his acorns, saying, “Here, Dedei. You can have some.”Dedei’s face brightened, and they enjoyed the acorns together, laughing and chatting. From then on, they were best friends, learning that sharing made everything better.

  • 2024-07

    I really admire how you teach English pronunciation so effectively; you sound just like a native speaker! Your clarity and fluency make it easier for us to understand and learn the nuances of the language. It's impressive how you effortlessly convey the sounds and rhythms of English, making each lesson engaging and valuable. Your dedication to helping us grasp pronunciation with such authenticity and skill is truly commendable. Thank you for your exceptional teaching!

  • 2024-07

    Leo loved adventures, but he got very sick and had to stay in the hospital. Feeling scared, he dreamed of being a brave lion. Inspired, Leo decided to be brave like the lion. With support, he faced his illness with courage and encouraged his friends. Leo recovered, knowing he was strong. Remember, you have a brave lion inside you. Stay strong and never give up.

  • 2024-07

    Thank you for being patient with the mischievous, talkative, selfish, and curious students who love to show off. You are a dedicated and talented teacher. Wishing you peace and good health always.

  • 2024-06

    In a quiet village by a serene lake, Peipie, an avid gardener, befriended Dedie, a wildlife enthusiast. They bonded over early morning walks, sharing stories and marveling at sunrise reflections. Together, they planted butterfly-attracting flowers and built birdhouses. Through challenges, their friendship grew stronger, anchored by a mutual love for nature. Their shared moments with blooming flowers and singing birds taught them the profound joy of companionship and the beauty found in harmonizi

  • 2024-06

    In a quaint village, childhood friends Apie and Debi found solace in an abandoned treehouse turned hideaway. Despite diverging paths, their bond strengthened through reunions there. While Apie pursued art in the city, Debi tended the family farm. Their enduring friendship, symbolized by the sturdy tree, weathered life's changes. Amidst hills and forests, they found comfort, their friendship a steadfast beacon of support and love.

  • 2024-05

    He teaches good ABC

  • 2024-05

    This instructor is incredibly open-minded, forward-thinking, constantly staying abreast of new developments, welcoming, commit, and assist students in making significant strides in life. He is a dynamic individual who remains relevant across time.

  • 2024-05

    Whatever life throws at you, remember that you have the strength and ability to face it. Sometimes, standing in the face of difficulty is an opportunity to prove to yourself and the world that you're strong enough to overcome any hurdles. Remember that everything will be okay. Trust in the law of guidance and the power of patience. Maintain a positive and hopeful mindset, for that is the key to overcoming any difficulty. Be ready for tomorrow with a strong heart and an unwavering spirit. Love!

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