2023/08/22 05:43
・Always stay healthy and happy. I'll continue to support you with all my strength!
・Take care of yourself, stay joyful, and know you have my unwavering support!
・May you always be blessed with health and happiness. You have my steadfast support, now and always!
I'm a big fan of yours! Always stay healthy and happy. I'll continue to support you with all my strength!
Hey, I know this is a big step for you but remember, take care of yourself, stay joyful, and know you have my unwavering support! You're going to do great things there.
Hello! I'm a big fan of yours. May you always be blessed with health and happiness. You have my steadfast support, now and always!
「Take care of yourself, stay joyful, and know you have my unwavering support!」は、相手が困難な状況に直面していたり、挑戦的な仕事やプロジェクトを始める時に使う表現です。一方、「May you always be blessed with health and happiness. You have my steadfast support, now and always!」は、誕生日や祝い事の際に相手に幸せと健康を祈るときに使います。また、これらのフレーズはお互いの絆を深めるために使われます。
・Stay healthy and happy.
・I'm always rooting for you.
健康:health (名詞)
幸せ:happy (形容詞)
これからも: from now on too
全力:all one's power, one's utmost
「いつも健康で幸せでいてね。これからも全力で応援し続けます!」を直訳すると、「Stay healthy and happy. From now on too, I support you with my utmost」となります。
より自然な表現は、「Stay healthy and happy. I'm always rooting for you.」です。
To root for +(誰か):誰かを応援する