
I wanna turn the speaker off on the iPhone app. Please add a function to kill the speaker on the app.

Very loud voice of tutors is coming from the speaker while tutors can not be hearing voice of users outside clearly.

Tutors can not hear voice from users because the mic follows too much background sounds and noise outside when the speaker is turned on.

Many users of the app are going to use it when they are outside.

Being able to use this app as a phone-like talking by attaching the iPhone on an ear is more useful when the users don't have earphones or so outside.

You know many must have felt frustrated with this problems since they can hear tutors voice very loudly but the tutors can not hear on users-side unless the users make loud voice outside.

16/08/02 (火) 00:37



ネイティブキャンプ広場利用ルール 第2条の禁止事項に該当する