2024/01/12 10:00
カフスボタン を英語で教えて!
・Shirt studs
・French cuffs accessories
What do you call the accessory you attach to the cuffs of your shirt?
What do you call the accessories you put on the buttons of your shirt cuffs? Cufflinks, right?
What do you call the accessories you put on the buttons of a shirt's cuffs? They're called cufflinks in English.
シャツの袖口のボタンに付けるアクセサリーは何と言いますか? 英語ではカフスボタンと言います。
Shirt studs and French cuffs accessories are typically used in formal settings. Shirt studs are decorative buttons used in place of regular buttons on a tuxedo shirt, often seen at black-tie events or weddings. French cuffs require cufflinks instead of standard buttons and are considered more sophisticated, suitable for high-end business meetings, formal dinners, or special occasions. In daily life, these accessories are less common, as most people opt for simpler, more casual attire. The choice reflects the formality and elegance of the event, with shirt studs offering a touch of luxury and French cuffs emphasizing refinement.
「カフスボタン」は「cufflink」と言います。英英辞典では「a small decorative object used to fasten shirt cuffs(シャツの袖口を留めるために使用される小さな装飾品)」と解説されています。対で使うので「cufflinks」と複数形で使います。
Fashion-conscious men dispensed with cufflinks in their daytime attire.
複合動詞「dispense with」が「不要にする」という意味です。
構文は、第一文型(主語[Fashion-conscious men]+動詞[dispensed])に副詞句(昼間の服装にカフスボタンを:with cufflinks in their daytime attire)を組み合わせて構成します。