2023/12/20 10:00
この差は大きい を英語で教えて!
・That's a big difference.
・This discrepancy is significant.
・This gap is substantial.
If I wake up just 10 minutes earlier, I have so much more time. That's a big difference.
That's a big difference.は、何かの違いが非常に大きい、または重要であることを強調する表現です。例えば、予算の提案が予想よりも大幅に異なる場合や、2つの選択肢の結果が非常に異なる場合に使います。また、成績や能力の差が大きいと感じた時にも使えます。このフレーズは、驚きや関心を示すためのカジュアルな会話の中でよく使用されます。
Waking up just 10 minutes earlier in the morning gives me extra time. This discrepancy is significant.
Waking up 10 minutes earlier gives me more time in the morning. This gap is substantial.
Discrepancy typically refers to a difference between two things that should be the same, often used in more formal or technical contexts. For instance, This discrepancy is significant might be used in a business meeting to highlight an unexpected difference in financial reports. On the other hand, gap is more general and can refer to any kind of difference or space between two points. This gap is substantial might be used in everyday conversation to describe a large difference in opinions, skill levels, or physical distances. Both phrases convey a sense of noteworthy difference, but their usage contexts and specificity can vary.
・The difference is big.
The difference is big.
Getting up ten minutes earlier makes more room to get ready for the work. The difference is big.
get up = 起きる ten minutes earlier = 10分早く make room = (時間的・空間的)余裕を作る、 get ready for ~ = ~の準備をする 「difference」= 「違い」、「big」= 「大きい」という意味で、「the difference is big」で「違いが大きい」という意味です。ちなみに、「makes a difference」= 「違いを作る」= 「重要である」という表現があります。こちらもよく使われる表現なので覚えておくといいでしょう。以下に例文を示します。
Getting up ten minutes earlier makes a difference because it increases our productivity.