2022/09/26 10:00
薄暗い雨の中では、古いお寺がいっそう魅力的に見えると思いませんか? を英語で教えて!
・Don't you think the old temple looks even more enchanting in the dim rain?
・Isn't the old temple even more captivating amidst the faint rain?
・Doesn't the ancient temple appear even more mesmerizing under the subtle rain?
Don't you think the old temple looks even more enchanting in the dim rain? It has a specific charm!
Don't you think the old temple looks even more captivating amidst the faint rain?
Don't be too disappointed about the rain. Doesn't the ancient temple appear even more mesmerizing under the subtle rain?
両方のフレーズは似たような状況で使われるが、"Doesn't the ancient temple appear even more mesmerizing under the subtle rain?"の方がより詩的かつ感情的なニュアンスを含む。一方、"Isn't the old temple even more captivating amidst the faint rain?"はより直接的・客観的な表現で、観察者の感想を述べています。前者は美的な経験を共有する状況、後者は素朴な魅力を語る状況向けかと。
・On a dim rainy day old temples look much more attractive. You do not think so?
I would love to say to the tourists from abroad who are disappointed at the rain, "Don't you think old temples look much more attractive on a dim rainy day?"
文中の much は、比較級を強める副詞ですが、その他にも、'even' や 'still' や 'far' や ’yet' さらに、'a lot' もよく使われます。