Ryoko Yamamotoさん
2023/12/20 10:00
50代が輝く洋服を紹介 を英語で教えて!
・Introducing radiant clothing for people in their 50s.
・Showcasing dazzling outfits for those in their fabulous fifties.
・Presenting stylish attire for the glowing golden fifties.
I'm going to get introduced to radiant clothing for people in their 50s.
I'm going to a fashion show that's showcasing dazzling outfits for those in their fabulous fifties because I want to continue shining, no matter how old I get.
I'm going to get them to show me some Presenting stylish attire for the glowing golden fifties because I want to shine, no matter how old I am.
「Showcasing dazzling outfits for those in their fabulous fifties.」は、高齢者向けの派手で輝くような服装を紹介または展示するシチュエーションで使います。一方、「Presenting stylish attire for the glowing golden fifties.」は、50代の人々に向けてスタイリッシュな服装を提案またはプレゼンテーションする際に使います。前者は華やかさを強調し、後者は洗練されたスタイルを強調します。
・recommend clothing that suits ...
・suggest clothes that flatter ...
・look for attire that looks great on..
I will ask them to recommend clothing that suits well women in their 50s.
【ask ○○ to V】で「○○に~してもらうようにたのむ」を表します。【recommend】は「お勧めする」の意味で、その後にある【suit ...】は「~に似合う」を表す語です。最後の【in their ○○'s】は年齢を表し「○○代」を意味します。
I will ask them to suggest clothes that flatter women in their 50s.
I will ask them to look for attire that looks great on those in 50s.
おなじみの【look for ...】は「~を探す」という意味の熟語です。【attire】は「服装」を表すややかたい表現で、【outfit】なども同義で用いられる場合があります。合わせて覚えておくとバリエーションが広がるでしょう。