2023/12/20 10:00
電撃再婚なんてありえない を英語で教えて!
・There's no way they would remarry so quickly.
・It's impossible for them to tie the knot again so soon.
・They couldn't possibly have a shotgun remarriage.
There's no way they would remarry so quickly, right?
It's impossible for them to tie the knot again so soon, isn't it? They've just announced their divorce.
They just announced their divorce, they couldn't possibly have a shotgun remarriage, could they?
It's impossible for them to tie the knot again so soon.は、誰かが再婚するのが早すぎて驚いたり不適切だと思うときに使います。一方、They couldn't possibly have a shotgun remarriage.は、特定の状況(妊娠など)が原因で、誰かが急いで再婚しなければならない場合に使います。Shotgunは元々、妊娠が原因で結婚を急ぐことを指すスラングです。この表現は、再婚の状況が急だと感じるときに用いられます。
・marriage within a short time is s absurd
・getting married fast is unbelievable
電撃結婚は、marriage within a short timeやgetting married fastで表わせます。
結婚自体はmarriageやgetting married(結婚すること)です。
marriage within a short time is s absurdのabsurdは本来「ばかげた」「不合理な」ですが、「あり得ない」というニュアンスも含みます。
My favorite skater divorced ,but soon remarried another guy.So I said to my friend'Marriage within a short time is s absurd,isn't it?'
最後にisn't it?をつけることで、「~じゃない?」と同意を求めるニュアンスになります。
getting married fast is unbelievableのunbelievableは、「信じられない」「聞いたことがない」「あり得ない」というニュアンスを含みます。
I thought that their getting married fast is unbelievable.