2022/09/26 10:00
会社までの道に自販機あった? を英語で教えて!
・Was there a vending machine on the way to the office?
・Did you spot a vending machine on the route to the office?
・Did you notice a vending machine when you were heading to the office?
Was there a vending machine on the way back to the office?
Did you spot a vending machine on the route back to the office?
Did you notice a vending machine when you were on your way back to the office from the restaurant?
基本的に、これらの二つの文は同じ意味を持っていますが、ニュアンス的には少し違います。「Did you spot a vending machine on the route to the office?」は相手が自動販売機を見つけたかどうか直接尋ねており、偶然にでも自動販売機を見かけたかどうかの問いです。一方、「Did you notice a vending machine when you were heading to the office?」は、相手が自動販売機を意識して気付いたかどうか聞いています。つまり、「notice」は「spot」よりも意識的な観察を指します。
・vending machine
Was there a juice vending machine on the way back to the office?
Do you remember if there was a juice vending machine on the way back to the office?
Did we pass by a juice vending machine on the way back to the office?
「自販機」は英語で"vending machine"
I stopped by the vending machine to grab a snack during my break.