keiko Oさん
2022/09/23 11:00
保育所と託児所 を英語で教えて!
・Daycare center
・Nursery school
・Childcare center
A daycare center typically provides care and supervision for children during the day, whereas a nursery school also includes an educational component.
In the UK, a nursery school is a preschool for children aged three to five, where they learn basic skills before they start formal education. In the US, it's often used interchangeably with daycare, which is more about supervising and caring for children while parents are at work.
A childcare center usually provides care and education for children aged six weeks to 12 years, while a daycare center mainly offers supervision and care for children, typically on a full-day basis.
Nursery schoolは幼稚園や保育園のことを指し、指導者が配置され教育プログラムが用意されており、子供の社会性の育成や初歩的な教育(数学、読み書きなど)が行われます。それに対してChildcare centerは託児所のことで、子供が遊んだり休んだりする場所です。親が仕事やその他の理由で子供を預けるために使われます。つまり、Nursery schoolは教育とケアの両方を、Childcare centerはケアだけを提供します。
・licensed daycare and daycare
「保育所と託児所」は英語では licensed daycare and daycare と表現できるかなと思います。
Licensed daycares are facilities that can be used when parents are unable to look after their children at home due to work or other reasons, but there are no such rules for daycares.
※ facility(施設)