Yuki Matobaさん
2023/07/24 14:00
子供は風の子 を英語で教えて!
・Children are like the wind.
・Children are as unpredictable as the wind.
・Children are as free-spirited as the wind.
Children are like the wind, they just keep playing outside no matter how cold it is.
Even in the cold, kids are running around outside. Children are as unpredictable as the wind.
Even in this cold, they're running around outside; children are as free-spirited as the wind.
Children are as unpredictable as the windは子供の予測不可能な行動や態度を表現するときに使われます。一方、 Children are as free-spirited as the windは子供の自由な精神や行動の制約を持たない自由さを強調するときに使われます。前者は振る舞いの予測不可能さを、後者は自由さや無邪気さを強調します。
・children never mind the cold of winter
子供は冬の寒さを気にせずに遊んでいる様子ですので、children never mind the cold of winterと表現しています。
※never mind:全く気にしない
the cold of winter:冬の寒さ
In Japan, children who never mind the cold of winter are expressed "children of the wind".
People in old times saw children playing outside in winter and call them "children are children of the wind".
※People in old times:昔の人
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