2023/07/17 10:00
量が多くて全部食べられなかった を英語で教えて!
・There was too much to finish it all.
・I couldn't eat it all, there was just too much.
・The portion was so large, I couldn't polish it off.
The portion was so big, there was too much to finish it all.
「There was too much to finish it all.」のフレーズは、「全てを終えるのは多すぎた」という意味です。食事や仕事、課題など、何かを全て終えるのが難しい状況で使われます。例えば、レストランで大量の料理が出され、全てを食べきることができなかったときや、時間内に全ての仕事を終えることができなかったときなどに使えます。また、量だけでなく、内容が難しくて全てを理解したり、全てを一度に処理するのが難しいといった状況でも使えます。
I went on a trip to America and during meals, I couldn't eat it all, there was just too much.
I went on a trip to America and the portion sizes were so large, I couldn't polish it off.
「I couldn't eat it all, there was just too much.」は量が多すぎて全て食べることができなかったときに使います。一方、「The portion was so large, I couldn't polish it off.」は特に食事の量に焦点を当て、その料理のポーションが大きすぎるために全部食べきることができなかったという意味合いで使います。前者は一般的な表現で、後者はやや口語的な表現です。
・The amount was so large that I I couldn’t finish it.
・The portions were too much that I couldn't eat them all.
portion は「部分」や「取り分」などの意味を持つ言葉ですが、「(食べ物の)量」や「一人前」などの意味も表せます。
About an American meal, but the amount was so large that I I couldn’t finish it.
I went to the ramen restaurant you recommended, but the portions were too much that I couldn't eat them all.