2023/07/17 10:00
意味合いが違うよね を英語で教えて!
・That has a different connotation, doesn't it?
・That has a different implication, doesn't it?
・That carries a different nuance, doesn't it?
That has a different connotation, doesn't it? After all, cheating to get a perfect score isn't quite the same as earning it on your own.
That has a different implication, doesn't it? It's not the same as earning a perfect score on your own.
That carries a different nuance, doesn't it? Getting a perfect score by cramming is not the same as achieving it on your own.
「That has a different implication, doesn't it?」は、何かが異なる意味合いや結果を暗示していることを指します。一方、「That carries a different nuance, doesn't it?」は、表現やアイデアが微妙に異なる感じや響きを持つことを指します。前者は結論や結果に関連し、後者は表現や感じ方に焦点を当てています。
・meaning is different
・implication is different
「意味合いが違うよね」は英語では meaning is different や implication is different などで表現することができると思います。
Sure, he got a perfect score, but it's a cheat, so the meaning is different from getting it on your own.
※ちなみに implication は「暗示」や「裏の意味」というような意味も表せます。