2023/06/22 10:00
先生がして下さることに感謝しています を英語で教えて!
・I am grateful for what the teacher has done for me.
・I appreciate everything the teacher has done for me.
・I'm truly thankful for all that the teacher has bestowed upon me.
I am grateful for what you, as my teacher, have done for me.
During the interview with the teacher, you could say: I just wanted to express how much I appreciate everything you've done for me.
During my interview with the teacher, I would like to say, I'm truly thankful for all that you, as a teacher, have bestowed upon me.
I appreciate everything the teacher has done for meは日常的な表現で、特にフォーマルな状況ではなくとも使えます。一方で、I'm truly thankful for all that the teacher has bestowed upon meはよりフォーマルで堅苦しい表現で、何か特別な感謝を示したいときや、公の場などで使われます。また、bestowed upon meはgiven to meよりも、特別な贈り物や恩恵を受けたという強い感謝の意を示します。
・I appreciate what you do for me.
・I am grateful for what you do for me.
「先生がして下さることに感謝しています」は英語では I appreciate what you do for me. や I am grateful for what you do for me. などで表現することができると思います。
I appreciate what you do for me. I look forward to your continued guidance.
※ちなみに appreciate は I'd really appreciate it if you had 〜(〜していただけれると有り難いのですが)という言い回しでよく使われるワードです。