2022/12/05 10:00
面倒でも答えてあげなくちゃ を英語で教えて!
・I have to answer even if it's a hassle.
・I must reply, no matter how inconvenient it might be.
・I'm obliged to respond, despite the inconvenience.
I have to answer even if it's a hassle, since the child is always asking 'What's this?'
Even if it's a bit bothersome, I must reply, no matter how inconvenient it might be, whenever the child who's starting to learn words constantly asks, What's this called?
Even though it's a hassle, I'm obliged to respond every time my child asks, What's this called?
両フレーズはほぼ同じ意味を持ちますが、微妙なニュアンスの違いがあります。「I must reply, no matter how inconvenient it might be」は強い個人的な責任感を示し、どんなに不便でも返信する義務があると感じていることを示しています。一方、「I'm obliged to respond, despite the inconvenience」は、他人や社会的な期待、規則など、外部の要因により返信する義務があると示しています。つまり、前者は内発的な義務感、後者は外発的な義務感を強調します。使用するシチュエーションは、このニュアンスにより異なる可能性があります。
・have to answer even if it's troublesome
・have to answer even if it's too much bother to do
「面倒でも答えてあげなくちゃ」は have to answer even if it's troublesome や have to answer even if it's too much bother to do などで表現することができます。
I have to answer even if it's troublesome for my child.
He's still a newcomer, so as a boss, you have to answer him, even if it's too much bother to do.
※ newcomer(新人)