2022/11/14 10:00
生きていれば〇歳になる を英語で教えて!
・He/She would have been 〇 years old if he/she were still alive.
・He/She would be turning 〇 years old today, had he/she lived.
・If they had lived, they would be celebrating their 〇th birthday today.
She would have been 99 years old this year if she were still alive.
She would be turning 99 years old today, had she lived.
If she had lived, she would be celebrating her 99th birthday today.
両方のフレーズは、ペルソンが生きていればその日が何歳の誕生日になるかを述べています。しかしながら、"He/She would be turning 〇 years old today, had he/she lived."はよりフォーマルでドラマチックな印象を与え、故人への思いや尊重の意を示しています。一方、"If they had lived, they would be celebrating their 〇th birthday today."はよりカジュアルや自然な言い回しで、よりパーソナルな感情を含むかもしれません。この選択はネイティブスピーカーが話しているコンテキストによって変わります。
・if she had been alive,
・she would have been 99years old
My grandmother would have been 99years old this year if she had been alive.
If S had ~, S would have ~.( ☆ third conditional )
= もし~だったなら、・・だった(だろう)。
ex. もし彼があそこにいたら、何かが違ったかもしれない。
If he had been there, something might have been different.
ex. もし英語が得意だったら、スチュワーデスになっていたかも。
If I had been good at English, I might have become a stewardess.