naoto kidaさん
2022/11/14 10:00
この経験を糧に を英語で教えて!
・Use this experience as a stepping stone.
・Use this experience as a learning opportunity.
・Turn this experience into fuel for your future.
I know I've gone through a lot of hardship and challenges, but I hope to use this experience as a stepping stone to grow even further.
I've had a lot of hardships and difficulties in the past, but I want to use this experience as a learning opportunity to grow even more.
I've faced a lot of hardships and difficulties, but I believe that I can turn this experience into fuel for my future growth.
「Use this experience as a learning opportunity.」は、ミスや失敗から学ぶことを奨励する際に使います。理解を深め、同じ過ちを繰り返さないために現状を学びの機会とするよう促します。「Turn this experience into fuel for your future.」は、困難な経験を将来の成功や動機付けに変えることを奨励します。過酷な経験をガソリンに例え、それが未来のエネルギーとなることを示唆します。
・use these experiences as the food
・use these experiences as the pabulum
「この経験を糧に」は英語では use these experiences as the food や use these experiences as the pabulum などで表現することができます。
※ちなみに food を使ったスラングでは foodcoma(食べ過ぎからくる眠気、みたいな意味)というのがあります。
I've had a lot of hardships until now, so I hope to use these experiences as the food to grow even more.