ここは僕が払うよ を英語で教えて!
2022/10/24 10:00
2023/12/20 00:00
・I've got this one.
・This one's on me.
・This round is on me.
I've got this one.
「I've got this one.」は、「これは私がやります」「これは私に任せてください」という意味を持つ表現です。他の人に助けを求められたり、問題やチャレンジに直面している状況で、自分がその問題を解決したり、対処したりする意志を表すことができます。また、グループで何かの費用を分担する際に「今回は私が払います」のように使われることもあります。
Don't worry about it, this one's on me.
Sure, let's order whatever we want. This round is on me.
Both phrases are used when someone offers to pay for something, generally in a social setting. The difference between the two lies in the context. "This one's on me" can be used more broadly and can refer to paying for a meal, a drink, a movie ticket, etc. On the other hand, "This round is on me" is primarily used in a bar or pub situation, when someone offers to pay for the current round of drinks. In either case, the speaker is graciously covering the cost of something as a treat or gesture of goodwill.
2022/12/02 19:53
・it's on me here
・I will treat you here
・l will get it here
「ここは僕が払うよ」は英語では it's on me here や I will treat you here または l will get it here などで表現することができます。
I'm the one who invited you, so it’s on me here.
It's your birthday today, right? I will treat you here.
Thank you for being with me today.l will get it here.