2022/10/10 10:00
こたつ を英語で教えて!
・Heated table
・Japanese heated table
In Japan, we have something called a heated table, also known as a kotatsu. It's a low wooden table covered by a heavy blanket, with a heat source placed underneath. It's a very cozy and warm piece of furniture commonly used in homes during the colder months.
「heated table」は、直訳すると「暖かいテーブル」または「加熱されたテーブル」を意味します。これは特に寒い季節に使用される家具で、テーブルの下部に暖房装置が内蔵されており、その上に布団を敷いて体を暖めるというものです。日本の「こたつ」の英語表現として良く使われます。日本の冬の生活習慣などを説明する際や、日本製品を海外に紹介する時などに用いられます。
The Japanese heated table, called a 'kotatsu', is a low wooden table covered by a thick blanket or futon, beneath which is a built-in electric heater. It's traditionally used in homes during the cold months to maintain warmth and is very efficient to use because it heats up the area where people are, instead of trying to heat up the whole room.
A kotatsu is a low, wooden table frame covered by a futon, or heavy blanket, upon which a table top sits. Underneath is a heat source, often built into the table itself. It's a traditional Japanese heating furniture where you can keep your legs warm while you sit or sleep.
Japanese heated tableは主に非日本人が「こたつ」を説明するために使う表現で、直訳すると「日本式の暖かいテーブル」になります。一方、"Kotatsu"は日本の伝統的な暖房器具で、直接布団やテーブルの下に足を入れて暖を取るスタイルを指す日本語そのままの表現です。日本人が日本国内で使う場合は"Kotatsu"、英語圏の人に説明する場合は"Japanese heated table"を使う傾向があります。
・A kotatsu is a traditional Japanese heating appliance.
A kotatsu is a traditional Japanese heating appliance that combines a heater and a comforter to prevent heat from escaping outside.
It's cold today, so I'd like to eat hot pot while sitting under the kotatsu.