2024/04/16 10:00
あの人とこの人、なんか関係ありそう を英語で教えて!
・It seems like there's something going on between those two.
・I get the feeling that there's a connection between them.
1. It seems like there's something going on between those two.
It seems like ...で「~そうだ、らしい」といった意味になります。something going onで「何かが起こっている」となり、between those twoは「あの二人の間には」といった意味の表現になります。
It seems like there's something going on between those two. They’ve been spending a lot of time together lately.
spend a lot of timeで「多くの時間を過ごす」となり、latelyは「最近」を意味する副詞になります。
2. I get the feeling that there's a connection between them.
get the feeling that ...で「~な感じがする」を意味する表現になります。connectionは「繋がり、関係」を表す名詞です。
I get the feeling that there's a connection between them. They always sit next to each other in meetings.
next to each otherで「隣で、隣り合って」を意味する表現になります。