2024/04/16 10:00
1泊2食付きで1万円です を英語で教えて!
・One night with two meals, 10,000 yen.
・The rate is 10,000 yen for one night with two meals.
・It's 10,000 yen for one night stay with two meals included.
1. One night with two meals, 10,000 yen.
One night「1泊」
with two meals「2食(通常は朝食と夕食)が含まれる」
10,000 yen 金額を示します。宿泊施設などの値段設定によくあるパターンです!
2. The rate is 10,000 yen for one night with two meals.
for one night with two meals「1泊2食付き」のプランであることを明確に示します!
3. It's 10,000 yen for one night stay with two meals included.
one night stay「1泊分の宿泊」
with two meals included「2食(朝食と夕食)が含まれている」