2024/01/12 10:00
火力発電 を英語で教えて!
・Thermal power generation
・Fossil fuel power generation
・Conventional power generation
What do you call generating electricity using heat energy in English?
Thermal power generation(火力発電)は、燃料を燃焼させて発生した熱エネルギーを電力に変換する方法を指します。主に石炭、天然ガス、石油が燃料として使用され、広く一般的な発電方法です。エネルギー供給の安定性や発電コストの面でメリットがありますが、CO2排出による環境負荷が課題となっています。使用シチュエーションとしては、エネルギー政策の議論や環境問題、電力供給の安定性についての説明などが考えられます。
What's the English term for generating electricity using fossil fuels, like we say 火力発電 in Japanese?
What do you call 火力発電 in English when we generate electricity using thermal power?
Fossil fuel power generation refers specifically to electricity produced from coal, oil, or natural gas. It emphasizes the use of these particular fuels and is often used in discussions about environmental impact, carbon emissions, and sustainability. Conventional power generation, on the other hand, is a broader term that includes not only fossil fuels but also traditional methods like nuclear power. It contrasts with renewable energy sources like wind or solar. In everyday conversation, someone concerned about climate change might say fossil fuel power, while conventional power could be used in more general discussions about energy infrastructure.
・thermal power generation
「火力発電」は「thermal power generation」と言います。
Thermal power generation is a power generation method that uses heat energy from burning fossil fuels to boil water and use the power of steam to rotate a turbine to generate electricity.
構文は第二文型で構成して、補語(発電方法:power generation method)を先行詞に関係代名詞「that」で修飾節を導いています。