2022/09/26 10:00
そんな後ろ向きのことを言っても意味ないじゃん を英語で教えて!
・There's no point in saying such negative things, is there?
・Saying such negative things won't get us anywhere, will it?
・What's the use in spouting such negativity?
You're always saying I can't do this, I can't do that. There's no point in saying such negative things, is there?
You're saying 'This is impossible!' 'That's impossible!' but saying such negative things won't get us anywhere, will it?
What's the use in spouting such negativity? We can't move forward with that attitude!
「Saying such negative things won't get us anywhere, will it?」は、相手に対する説得や自省の意図が含まれており、チームやグループでの話し合いや対話でよく使われます。一方、「What's the use in spouting such negativity?」は、より直接的で批判的なニュアンスがあり、個々の態度や行動に不満を持つときに使われます。これは、自分自身がそのネガティブな言葉や行動によってネガティブな影響を受けていることを示しています。
・There is no point in saying such negative things
「後向き」は 英語で negative thinking や negative attitude , negativity などで表現できると思います。
「意味ない」は英語で meaningless や no point などで言い表せるので
I don't think there's any point in continuing with such a negative attitude.