2023/07/13 10:00
やたらご機嫌だな を英語で教えて!
・You seem unusually cheerful today.
・You're in a particularly good mood today, aren't you?
・Someone's feeling pretty chipper today, aren't they?
You seem unusually cheerful today. Anything special happen?
Have you noticed? You're in a particularly good mood today, aren't you?
Someone's feeling pretty chipper this morning, aren't they?
両方とも相手が元気そうな様子を指摘するフレーズですが、You're in a particularly good mood today, aren't you?は比較的フォーマルな状況で使う傾向があります。一方、Someone's feeling pretty chipper today, aren't they?はカジュアルな状況や親しい人への発言に使います。また、「chipper」は非常に元気、活発という意味で、特に活発さを強調したいときに使う言葉です。
・You are in a really good mood.
・You seem so happy.
「やたらご機嫌だな」は英語では You are in a really good mood. や You seem so happy. などで表現することができると思います。
He's in a really good mood this morning. It seems like he has made up with his girlfriend.
※make up(仲直りする、化粧する、など)
※mood は「気分」という意味を表しますが、be in the mood for 〜 で「〜したい気分」という意味を表せます。