2023/04/13 22:00
ゲームを1時間したら、10分休む を英語で教えて!
・Play a game for an hour, then take a 10-minute break.
・After an hour of gaming, take a 10-minute breather.
・Once you've clocked an hour of gaming, give yourself a 10-minute timeout.
We made a rule that after playing a game for an hour, we take a 10-minute break because looking at the screen for too long is bad for the eyes.
We made a deal that after an hour of gaming, we take a 10-minute breather because looking at the screen for too long is bad for our eyes.
We made a pact that after an hour of gaming, we'd take a 10-minute timeout.
「After an hour of gaming, take a 10-minute breather.」はより直接的な表現で、指示やアドバイスとして使われることが多いです。一方、「Once you've clocked an hour of gaming, give yourself a 10-minute timeout.」はよりカジュアルで、友人に対するアドバイスや提案として使われることが多いです。また、「clocked」は「時間を計る」という意味で、「timeout」は「休憩」を意味し、ゲームやスポーツのコンテキストでよく使われます。
・I will rest for 10 minutes after playing the game for an hour.
・I will break for 10 minutes after playing the game for an hour.
「ゲームを1時間したら、10分休む」は英語では I will rest for 10 minutes after playing the game for an hour. や I will break for 10 minutes after playing the game for an hour. などで表現することができます。
Looking at the screen for a long time is bad for my eyes, so I promised that I will rest for 10 minutes after playing the game for an hour.