ストーリーは良いけど、配役はイマイチ を英語で教えて!
2023/02/13 10:00
2024/02/28 00:00
・The story is good, but the casting leaves something to be desired.
・The story is great, but the casting falls short.
・The storyline is impressive, but the casting doesn't quite hit the mark.
The story of the movie we watched today was good, but the casting leaves something to be desired.
The story of the movie we watched today was great, but the casting falls short.
The storyline of the movie we saw today was impressive, but the casting doesn't quite hit the mark.
これらのフレーズは基本的に同じ意味を持ち、どちらも物語や映画のストーリーが素晴らしいが、キャスト(俳優陣)の選択が適切でなかったという意見を表しています。ネイティブスピーカーは個々の言葉のニュアンスや個人的な表現スタイルにより使い分けることがあります。"The story is great, but the casting falls short."はより直訳的な表現であり、"The storyline is impressive, but the casting doesn't quite hit the mark."は比喩的な表現で、微妙に柔らかい印象を持ちます。
Native Camp
2023/03/08 20:13
・the story is good, but the cast is lacking
・the storyline is good, but the casting is mediocre
「ストーリーは良いけど、配役はイマイチ 」は英語では the story is good, but the cast is lacking や the storyline is good, but the casting is mediocre などで表現することができます。
About the today's movie, the story was good, but the cast was lacking.
About the this, the storyline is good, but the casting is mediocre.