2023/11/21 10:00
彼女に来てほしい を英語で教えて!
・Sorry, it seems there was an error. Could you please clarify your request?
・It seems like you're encountering an error. Could you please provide more details so I can assist you better?
Hello there, it seems like you've encountered an error. Could you please provide more details so that I can assist you better?
Apologies, but it seems there was an error. Could you please provide more details so I can assist you better?
Sorry, it seems there was an error. Could you please clarify your request? I'd like her to come with us to the birthday party.
It seems like you're encountering an error. Could you please provide more details so I can assist you better? is not applicable to this situation.
「Sorry, it seems there was an error. Could you please clarify your request?」は、相手からのリクエストが不明確や誤解を招くものであり、もっと具体的な情報が必要なときに使用します。一方で、「It seems like you're encountering an error. Could you please provide more details so I can assist you better?」は、相手が何かしらの問題やエラーに直面していることを認識し、それに対して更なる情報を求めて助けを提供したいときに使います。
・I want her to come with me.
「want to 動詞の原形」で「~したい」という意味になりますが、「人に~してほしい」と言いたいときは「want 人 to 動詞の原形」で表すことができます。
同じ文の作り方で、「ask 人 to 動詞の原形」で「人に~するように頼む」、「tell 人 to 動詞の原形」「人に~するように言う」などもあります。
I want you to invite your friends to the party.
I want you to be happy.
I asked him to wash the dishes
I told her to trust me.