hashimoto daichiさん
2024/10/29 00:00
五体投地 を英語で教えて!
・prostration in which both hands, legs and head are pressed to the ground
「五体投地」は説明的に「prostration in which both hands, legs and head are pressed to the ground(両手、両足、頭を地面に押し付ける平伏姿勢)」と表すことが可能です。
たとえば As a sign of deep respect and humility, the monks performed a prostration in which both hands, legs, and head are pressed to the ground in front of the sacred statue. で「深い尊敬と謙虚さの表れとして、僧侶たちは聖なる像の前で両手両足と頭を地面につける五体投地の礼を行いました」の様に使う事ができます。
構文は、副詞句(As a sign of deep respect and humility:深い尊敬と謙虚さの表れとして)の後に第三文型(主語[monks]+動詞[performed]+目的語[prostration:平伏])、関係代名詞を用いた修飾節(in which both hands, legs, and head are pressed to the ground:両手両足と頭を地面につける)、副詞句(in front of the sacred statue:聖なる像の前で)を続けて構成します。
- 五体満足 を英語で教えて!