2024/06/11 12:13
請告訴我 「被動收入」 的英語!
・unearned income
「被動收入」的英語翻譯是「unearned income」,「investment income」。在Cambridge Dictionary裡「money that you get from investments and property that you own, instead of earning by working(您從投資和擁有的財產中獲得的錢,而不是透過工作賺錢)」有這樣的解釋,我一起說明。
除此之外還有「passive income」也可以表達。
Invest and earn passive income.
Invest and get unearned money.
・unearned income
・passive income
「被動收入」的英語是 unearned income 或 passive income 兩種表達方式。
Invest and earn unearned income.
I am currently working every day, but in the future I would like to transition to a form in which I do not work and live on passive income.
※ transition(轉變,過渡等)