2024/06/11 12:13
請告訴我 「謝謝你,這很有趣」 的英語!
・Because of you, I could enjoy my days here in the US.
・You made my stay here in the US wonderful.
・It's all your effort that I enjoyed living in the US.
【Because of you, I could enjoy my days here in the US. 】
because of someone or something = ~因為某人或某事
days =日子、度過的時間
【You made my stay here in the US wonderful. 】
make something ADJECTIVE = 使〜(形容詞)
stay = 停留、居住
【It's all your effort that I enjoyed living in the US. 】
One's effort =~的努力
effort = 努力
living somewhere = 在...居住、生活在...