2024/06/11 12:13
請告訴我 「難搞的人」 的英語!
・difficult people
・disagreeable people
・obnoxious people
① 不擅長某事的人可以被稱為difficult people / disagreeable people / obnoxious people /toxic people
- difficult [人] 困難、固執、難以相處、難以說服、固執
- disagreeable[形容詞] [人] 令人不快、困難、難以相處
- obnoxious [形容詞] [人] 令人不快、非常不愉快、醜陋、噁心、令人不快
- toxic [形容詞] [不利的人際關係/習慣等] 壓力累積(例如)
② 我覺得把「如何擺脫它」想成「如何擺脫它」是個好主意。
- eliminate 【被動】[一個人或事物] 排除、刪除
- cut 【他動】] 剪切、剪掉、刪除
- avoid ~ from …從... 防止 ~ r r
Is there any way to eliminate difficult/toxic people from my life?
Is there any way to cut difficult/toxic people out of my life?
Is there any way to completely avoid/distance myself from people I don’t like?
Is there any way to completely avoid/distance myself from disagreeable/obnoxious people?