當我們要將中文中的「事實上…」翻譯成英文時,大家通常會想到哪些英文單詞、慣用語或是片語呢?雖然每個人可能都有不同的想法,但「in fact」和「actually」應該是「事實上…」最具代表性的英文說法。
那麼,「in fact」和「actually」這兩個表達方式有何不同呢?也許有許多人一時想不起來。所以我將在本篇文章介紹「in fact」和「actually」的差異、各自的意思與使用方式,並透過豐富的例句進行說明。同時,我們也將介紹其他可以表達「事實上…」的片語。
- 「in fact」與「actually」的差異
- 「in fact」的意思與使用方式
- A: Did she pass her teaching exam? B: Yes, she did. In fact, she’s now taking advanced teaching training. (A:她教師考試合格了嗎?) (B:對,她合格了。事實上,她現在正在接受高級教學培訓。)
- This year’s holiday was really disappointing. In fact, it just rained all the time. (今年的假期真令人失望。實際上一直在下雨。)
- In fact, his business career had a distinctly unpromising beginning. (實際上,他的商業生涯起初並未被寄予厚望。)
- His departure, in fact, went almost unremarked. (實際上,幾乎沒什麼人注意到他的離開。)
- In fact, his familiarity with the event was pretty limited. (實際上,他對於這個事件的熟悉程度相當有限。)
- 「actually」的意思與使用方式
- Actually, I didn’t want to go to the party at all. (實際上,我根本就不想去那個派對。)
- We’d actually planned to leave early, but we were delayed. (實際上,我們原本計畫早點離開,但是延遲了。)
- I didn’t think I’d like the movie before I watched it, but it was actually pretty good. (我本以為在看這部電影之前我不會喜歡它,但實際上它相當不錯。)
- Actually, we owe you a lot. (實際上,我們欠你很多。)
- This suitcase looks heavy, but it’s actually very light. (這個行李箱看起來很重,但實際上非常輕。)
- 其他表達方式
- The thing is
- The thing is, my grandparents like me to be home by ten o’clock. 實際上,我的祖父母希望我能在十點前回家。
- The thing is that a lot of people I like to hang out with think she is weird. 實際上,我喜歡一起出去的許多人都認為她很怪。
- The thing is, I have an important exam next week. 實際上,我下週有一個重要的考試。
- The thing is, I’m allergic to seafood. 實際上,我對海鮮過敏。
- The thing is, the supermarkets close early on Sundays. 實際上,週日超市很早關門
- To tell the truth
- To tell the truth, I don’t like his music. 說實話,我不喜歡他的音樂。
- To tell the truth, I don’t know much about Japanese culture. 說實話,我對日本文化了解不多。
- To tell the truth, I fell asleep in the middle of his talk. 說實話,我在他演講的途中睡著了。
- To tell the truth, I am not sure if I can handle the job. 說實話,我不確定自己是否能勝任這份工作。
- To tell the truth, I was frightened after I watched the horror movie. 說實話,看完恐怖電影後我感到害怕。
- The thing is
- 「in fact」與「actually」差異總結
「in fact」與「actually」的差異
「in fact」和「actually」都是用來表達中文中的「事實上…」。
「in fact」的意思與使用方式
「in fact」含有「事實」意思的「fact」,可用來表達「事實上」「實際上」的意思。使用「in fact」時,表示講者「確信」或「強調」內容,用於基於事實的陳述或客觀事實。
跟「actually」一樣,「in fact」在日常會話中經常用到,但相較於「actually」,它給人的印象稍微嚴肅一些。
在文章中,「in fact」常見於句首,但也可用於句中或句尾。使用時,如果位於句首或句中,通常會加上逗號。
A: Did she pass her teaching exam?
B: Yes, she did. In fact, she’s now taking advanced teaching training.
This year’s holiday was really disappointing. In fact, it just rained all the time.
In fact, his business career had a distinctly unpromising beginning.
His departure, in fact, went almost unremarked.
In fact, his familiarity with the event was pretty limited.
「actually」和「in fact」都有「事實上」的意思。使用「actually」是在提出與前文內容不同的情況時;而「in fact」除了有這層意思外,還可以用來在前述內容上加上更詳細的資訊、解釋或事實,但「actually」並不包含這種用法。
Actually, I didn’t want to go to the party at all.
We’d actually planned to leave early, but we were delayed.
I didn’t think I’d like the movie before I watched it, but it was actually pretty good.
Actually, we owe you a lot.
→「owe」是指「欠著、有義務」的英文單字。像是「I owe you(我欠你的、我對你有恩)」這樣的表達也很常見,一起記住會很方便。
This suitcase looks heavy, but it’s actually very light.
除了「in fact」和「actually」,我接下來會介紹其他可以表達「事實上…」的片語。這些也是母語者在日常會話中使用的表達,掌握它們能讓你更自然地使用英語。
The thing is
「The thing is」表達了「事實上」「那件事是…」「我想說的是…」的意思,常用於日常會話,作為會話的開頭,用於重要事情或解釋的前置語。
The thing is, my grandparents like me to be home by ten o’clock.
The thing is that a lot of people I like to hang out with think she is weird.
The thing is, I have an important exam next week.
The thing is, I’m allergic to seafood.
The thing is, the supermarkets close early on Sundays.
To tell the truth
「To tell the truth」有「老實說」或「說實話」的意思。它像是「事實上」那樣,在會話中扮演著引導話題的角色。由於帶有「說實話」的含義,因此接在後面的內容往往是不太方便說的真相。
To tell the truth, I don’t like his music.
To tell the truth, I don’t know much about Japanese culture.
To tell the truth, I fell asleep in the middle of his talk.
To tell the truth, I am not sure if I can handle the job.
To tell the truth, I was frightened after I watched the horror movie.
「in fact」與「actually」差異總結
這次我們介紹了表示「實際上……」意思的兩個英文表達方式「in fact」和「actually」,並透過例句詳細說明了它們的差異以及各自的意思和使用方法。
雖然在中文中可以簡單地用「實際上」來表達,但英文中存在著各種不同的表達方式。希望各位能多次練習本文介紹的例句,並嘗試記住並使用它們。此外,如果能夠流暢地使用文章後半部分介紹的「The things is」和「To tell the truth」,那就更棒了。
另外,如果你有興趣深入學習本篇文章說明的「其實……」的英文說法,或想聽聽英文母語人士怎麼使用它,不妨試試看Native Camp的線上英語會話課程!