- got和bought的差異
- got的含義跟用法
- I got a new desk for homeworking. (我買了一張新桌子以便在家工作。)
- Lisa: I went shopping at the new mall last weekend. (我上禮拜去逛了一間新的購物中心。) Ann: I did too! What did you get? (我也去了!你買了什麼?)
- He got a new car last month. (他上個月買了一輛新車。)
- I got snacks for free at the supermarket. (我在超市拿到了免費零食。)
- She got an expensive bag from her mom. (她從媽媽那裡得到一個昂貴的包包。)
- The refrigerator suddenly doesn’t work. I have to get a new one. (冰箱突然壞了。我必須買一台新的。)
- bought的含義跟用法
- We bought a house two years ago. (我們兩年前買了房子。)
- She bought a small camera for her trip to the U.S. (她為了美國之旅買了一台小相機。)
- I bought second-hand books. (我買了一本二手書。)
- I bought this coffee machine without thinking. (我一時衝動買了這台咖啡機。)
- I should’ve bought that skirt yesterday. It’s sold out. (我昨天應該買那條裙子。它已經賣完了。)
- Mike: This snack is nice. Where did you buy this? (這個零食很好吃。你在哪買的?) Nick: I bought this at the ABC supermarket. I’ll buy more for you next time.(我在ABC超市買的。我下次會多買一點給你。)
- Jane: That’s a lovely scarf. (那條圍巾真漂亮。) Monica: Thanks. My sister bought it for my birthday. (謝謝。我姊姊買給我的生日禮物。)
- My grandfather bought me a new car. (我爺爺買了一輛新車給我。)
- I bought a toy for my son. (我買了一個玩具給我兒子。)
- She bought me a box of chocolates. (她買了一盒巧克力給我。)
- My boyfriend bought a cute necklace for me. (我男友買了一條可愛的項鍊給我。)
- Noah: Did you buy something for your mom? (你有買東西給你媽媽嗎?) Lucas: Yes. Please don’t tell her. I want to surprise her. (有。請別告訴她。我想給她一個驚喜。)
- 其它「買」的英語表達
- buy up
- buy over
- buy off
- buy time
- Can you buy time? (你可以幫我爭取一些時間嗎?)
- Buy me more time. (幫我爭取更多時間!)
- The kid tried to buy more time to finish homework. (孩子試圖爭取時間完成作業。)
- The soccer player faked an injury to buy time. (足球員假裝受傷以爭取時間。)
- Mom: Hey, your friend is waiting. (嘿,你的朋友在等你。) Lisa: Buy some time, mom. I’m almost ready. (給我一點時間。我很快就會準備好。)
- got和bought的差異 總結
因此可以用在「I got a new PC.(買了新電腦)」的「買了◯◯」,還可以用在「I got a gift from her.(從她那裡得到一份禮物)」的得到,以及「I got this for free.(我得到免費的)」等等。
I got a job.(得到工作。)」「I got messeages.(收到訊息)」等多種含義。
I got a new desk for homeworking.
Lisa: I went shopping at the new mall last weekend.
Ann: I did too! What did you get?
He got a new car last month.
I got snacks for free at the supermarket.
She got an expensive bag from her mom.
The refrigerator suddenly doesn’t work. I have to get a new one.
We bought a house two years ago.
She bought a small camera for her trip to the U.S.
I bought second-hand books.
I bought this coffee machine without thinking.
I should’ve bought that skirt yesterday. It’s sold out.
Mike: This snack is nice. Where did you buy this?
Nick: I bought this at the ABC supermarket. I’ll buy more for you next time.(我在ABC超市買的。我下次會多買一點給你。)
Jane: That’s a lovely scarf.
Monica: Thanks. My sister bought it for my birthday.
想表達「買○○給~」,我們可以用「bought <人> + <物>」或「bought <物> for <人>」的形式。
My grandfather bought me a new car.
I bought a toy for my son.
She bought me a box of chocolates.
My boyfriend bought a cute necklace for me.
Noah: Did you buy something for your mom?
Lucas: Yes. Please don’t tell her. I want to surprise her.
buy up
「buy up」」是動詞片語,代表「全部買下來」。
This is a great deal! I’m going to buy up all.
She wanted to buy up all the land.
She bought up the last of the oranges at the market.
He bought up stock in a company.
People tried to buy up toilet paper.
buy over
「buy over」的意思是「以賄賂獲取利潤」。
She tried to buy them over, but they refused her.
They refused to be bought over.
The secretary knew that the CEO tried to buy over them.
buy off
「buy off」是個片語動詞,意思是「收購,用錢解決問題」。
「buy off + 物」是指「買」,「buy off + 人」或「buy + 人 + off」的意思則是給某人錢,並要求他們照做的「收購」。
He bought them off.
The criminal bought off the police.
She tried to buy off guards.
He must have bought her off.
She will buy off this land.
buy time
「buy time」是慣用語,代表「爭取時間」。
Can you buy time?
Buy me more time.
The kid tried to buy more time to finish homework.
The soccer player faked an injury to buy time.
Mom: Hey, your friend is waiting.
Lisa: Buy some time, mom. I’m almost ready.
got和bought的差異 總結
■buy up…買下全部
■buy over…行賄以獲取利潤(買斷)
■buy off…收購
■buy time…爭取時間
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