- 打瞌睡的英語表達
- doze off
- She dozed off in front of the fireplace. (她在暖爐前面打瞌睡。)
- They dozed off during his speech. (他們在他的演講中睡著了)
- She started to doze off but a loud crash was heard from downstairs, startling her awake. (她開始打瞌睡了,但是從樓下傳來巨大的聲音,所以醒來了。)
- While counting the number, I resisted the temptation to fall asleep, but eventually, I dozed off. (在數數的時候,我一直在忍住不要睡著,結果還是不小心打瞌睡了。)
- I wait until her breathing slows and she is definitely asleep before I doze off myself. (我等到她的呼吸逐漸緩慢,確實地入睡之後我才打瞌睡。)
- catnap
- If your workplace has a rest room, consider taking a catnap at lunchtime if you really need to catch up on sleep. (如果你的職場有休息室的話,真的睡眠不足時可以考慮在午休時間到休息室小睡片刻。)
- I’m sorry, I was just having a catnap. (抱歉,我剛剛小睡了一會兒。)
- She was tired in the day and would catnap and then be more wakeful at night. (她因為累積一整天的疲憊,所以小睡片刻。結果到了晚上反而更加清醒。)
- He catnapped just before dawn and rose to the alarm at seven. (他到天亮前小睡片刻,然後到早上7點又起床。)
- Try and catnap when the baby sleeps, or even just lie in front of the TV for a bit. (嘗試在寶寶睡著時小睡片刻,甚至只是在電視機前面躺一會兒。)
- nod off
- Last night my eldest daughter began to nod off in front of the TV. (昨晚,我的大女兒在電視機前面打瞌睡。)
- I nodded off once or twice during the movie. (我在電視播映中睡著一、二次。)
- Let me drive—you look like you’re about to nod off. (讓我開車吧,你看起來快要睡著了。)
- My grandfather was nodding off to sleep in an armchair. (我的爺爺在扶手椅上打瞌睡。)
- I nodded off several times in class today and had to apologize to my professor. (我今天好幾次在課堂上打瞌睡,所以我必須向教授道歉。)
- drowsy
- His warmth made her drowsy and comfortable, and she liked the feeling. (他的溫暖讓她感覺舒服地想睡,她喜歡這種感覺。)
- She soon felt relaxed and drowsy. (她立刻感覺到放鬆且想睡。)
- Do you regularly feel drowsy or sleepy in the day? (你每天是否感到睏意、想睡呢?)
- After eating my dinner, I am feeling a little drowsy. (在吃完晚餐後,我感到有點想睡。)
- Within moments after finishing the drink, he grew too drowsy to stay awake and went to the bed. (在喝完酒後不久,他就因為想睡而上床睡覺了。)
- catch some z’s
- take forty winks
- doze off
- 打瞌睡的英語表達 總結
「打瞌睡」的英語表達主要可以分為6種:「doze off」、「catnap」、「nod off」、「drowsy」、「catch some z’s」、「take forty winks」。
doze off
「doze off」是經典的英語成語,意思是「自然而然地打瞌睡」。
如果在後面加上「off」變成「doze off」的話,就會變成「不自覺地睡著 (主要是在白天)」的意思。
She dozed off in front of the fireplace.
They dozed off during his speech.
She started to doze off but a loud crash was heard from downstairs, startling her awake.
While counting the number, I resisted the temptation to fall asleep, but eventually, I dozed off.
I wait until her breathing slows and she is definitely asleep before I doze off myself.
「打瞌睡」還有一種有趣的表達,那就是「catnap」。由「cat (貓)」與「nap (午睡)」組成,直譯的意思是「貓咪的午睡」。通常比「nap」的睡著時間更短且淺層的睡眠。
If your workplace has a rest room, consider taking a catnap at lunchtime if you really need to catch up on sleep.
I’m sorry, I was just having a catnap.
→上述2個英文是將「catnap」當作名詞使用的例子。像是「have a catnap」、「take a catnap」等,將它當作動詞組合來記憶會比較好。
She was tired in the day and would catnap and then be more wakeful at night.
He catnapped just before dawn and rose to the alarm at seven.
Try and catnap when the baby sleeps, or even just lie in front of the TV for a bit.
nod off
我們也能夠用成語「nod off」來表達「打瞌睡」的意思。「(因為想睡)打瞌睡」的意思。
Last night my eldest daughter began to nod off in front of the TV.
I nodded off once or twice during the movie.
Let me drive—you look like you’re about to nod off.
My grandfather was nodding off to sleep in an armchair.
I nodded off several times in class today and had to apologize to my professor.
His warmth made her drowsy and comfortable, and she liked the feeling.
She soon felt relaxed and drowsy.
Do you regularly feel drowsy or sleepy in the day?
After eating my dinner, I am feeling a little drowsy.
Within moments after finishing the drink, he grew too drowsy to stay awake and went to the bed.
catch some z’s
雖然「catch some z’s」是口語表達,但是它也有「小睡片刻」或「入睡」的意思。
All I want to do is go home and catch some z’s
I stayed up all night studying, so I’d better catch some z’s.
Let me catch some z’s first.
take forty winks
「take forty winks」也是「小睡片刻」或「打瞌睡」的意思。
例如「not get a wink」就是「根本睡不著」的意思。
He usually has forty winks going home on the train.
The bank manager caught the security guard while taking forty winks on duty.
Tom always likes to catch forty winks after lunch.
打瞌睡的英語表達 總結