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詢問需要多久時間時,我們可以用「how much longer…?」

「how long…?」和「how much longer…?」非常相似,需要特別留意一下。

「How long…?」是詢問接下來會發生的事情的時間或持續時間

「how much longer…?」則是指當某件事已經開始進行時,詢問「(從現在開始)要多久?」。

如果想強調「還要多久」的「還要」,「how much longer…?」是個合適的問法。


Situation: At a restaurant


A guest: Excuse me, a table for two, please.
A server: I’m afraid, but we’re full right now.
A guest: Oh, OK. How long do we have to wait?
A server: Well, I think it could take 10 minutes. Would you like to wait?
(服務員:嗯,我想可能要等 10 分鐘。您方便嗎?)
A guest: Yes, that’s fine.
—20 minutes later—
A guest: Excuse me, how much longer do we have to wait?

Situation: A mother and her son are talking about dinner for today.


Son: Hey, mom, what’s for dinner today? I’m starving.
Mother: Alright!! I’m gonna cook up a storm!! First, I need to go grocery shopping.
Son: What? Wait, wait. How much longer is it going to take?

*cook up astorm 是個慣用語,代表「煮很多東西」




想詢問「要多久時間?」,我們可以使用「how long」或「how much time」


「how long」


Situation: At a ticket office


A tourist: Excuse me, I’d like to go to King’s Cross station. How long does it take from here to King’s Cross station?
A ticket officer: Well, about fifteen minutes by tube.
A tourist: Alright, a return to King’s Cross station, please.

*tube 倫敦地鐵(underground)的暱稱。地鐵的美式英語是subway

Situation: In front of a cake shop


Customer A: Excuse me, are  you at the end of the queue?
Customer B: Yeah.
Customer A: How long have you been waiting?
Customer B: About fifty minutes or so.

a queue:排隊 在美式英語中經常使用「line」


「how much time」


Situation: On the Train station


A passenger: Excuse me, can I ask something?
A clerk: Sure, of course. How can I help you?
A passenger: How much time is left before we arrive in Taipei?

「how long…?」和「how much time…?」可以互換使用。

大部分的人會用「how long…?」,但不是很習慣「how much time…?」這個問法。「how much time…?」給人的印象比較有禮貌。


on time:準時




Situation: At the passport control


An immigration officer: How long do you intend to stay in the UK?
A tourist: For three months.

Situation: At a language school


Student A: How long have you been studying English here? Your English is very well.
Student B: For about three months. Before I came here, I had been taking English online lessons. That helps me a lot.




詢問數量時,我們可以用「how many」「how much」

詢問可數名詞的數量時是用「how many」;詢問不可數名詞的數量,則用「how much」




「how many」


Situation: Mari and Bob are talking about the weekend’s plan.


Mari: Why don’t you play tennis this Sunday?
Bob: That’s a good idea. We should invite Anne and Mike
Mari: How many tennis rackets do you have?
Bob: One. But we can borrow some rackets at the office.


「how much」


Situation: At a ticket office


A tourist: A return to King’s Cross station, two adults and two children, please. How much is the fare?
A ticket officer: Sure. The total comes to…

How much is it?」「How much does it cost?」是很基本的英語短語,相信大家都聽過。

*「return ticket」在英式英語裡是「來回票」的意思。美式英語則是「round-trip ticket」。順帶一提,「單程票」在英式英語裡是「single ticket」,在美式英語裡則是「one-way ticket」

Situation: In the kitchen


A: I’d like to make pancakes for breakfast today.
B: Lovely. How much milk and butter do we need? I guess the milk is running out.




如果想詢問大小,我們可以用「how big」「how large」




另一方面,「large」則用於客觀上感覺「大」的事物。 是表示衣服和食物的大小。


「how big」


Situation: A father and his daughter are chatting.


Daughter: Guess what daddy, I saw a big doggy at the park.
Father:Sounds interesting. How big was the dog?
Daughter: The doggy was bigger than me!!




「how large」


Situation: At a hamburger shop


A customer: Can I get a cheese hamburger and a large French fry? Oh, hold on. How large is the French fry?
A server: Here is a small, medium, and large box. I think the large one is quite big.
A customer: I think the medium size would be fine for me. I’ll take the medium one.

*薯條在英式英語裡是「chips」,在美式英語裡則是「french fries」

請注意一下服務生的台詞,「I think the large one is quite big.」。







3 more days until my birthday! I can’t wait!!
(距離我的生日還有 3 天!我等不及了!)
There are 5 hours left to the deadline. We must dush!




Are you going to take the TOEIC exam? How many weeks do you have left? Hang in there!




「how much longer…?」
「how long…?」
「how much time…?」
「how long…?」
-詢問可數名詞的數量「how many…?」
-詢問不可數名詞的數量「how much…?」
「how big…?」
「how large…?」


如果有任何疑問,請隨時向老師提問!在 Native Camp,您可以全年 365 天、每天 24 小時無限制地參加英語會話課程。



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◇經歴 曾在觀光業和英語會話學校工作超過5年,也在社交媒體上發佈關於英語學習的內容。 ◇資格 ・TOEIC950 ◇海外經驗 曾有過美國地區的短期語言留學經驗,已經去過5個以上的國家旅行。 ◇自我介紹 通過電影和音樂了解了英語的樂趣,學生時期修過英語口譯課程!之後從新入職至今都從事與英語相關的工作。即使現在身處台灣,也在尋找提升英語能力的方法,每天都在努力學習。夢想是環遊世界遺產和電影取景地,以及在百老匯觀賞所有的音樂劇作品!
