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雖然最具代表性的有「That’s all.」等說法,但除此之外還有許多種短句喔!











「就這樣」的代表性英語表現有「That’s all.」、「That’s (about) it.」、「So that’s ~. / So those are ~ .」

接下來就讓我們一起來看「That’s all.」、「That’s (about) it.」、「So that’s ~. / So those are ~ .」各自的用法吧!


That’s all


提到「就這樣」的英語表現,第一個浮現在腦海中的應該是「That’s all.」吧?

但是,如果只說「That’s all.」的話會給人稍微有些生硬的感覺

配合「that’s all」後續的內容加上「for today」或「for now」等用法就會變成很自然的表現方式喔!


Situation 1: At The Meeting (場景1:會議中)


A: Well, that’s all for now. Thank you all for attending.
B: Excuse me, I don’t think we’ve covered the last topic on the agenda.
A: Yes. You’re right. But we’ve run out of time today. We’ll discuss it at the next meeting.

to run out of ~:用盡


Situation 2: At The Meeting (場景2:會議中)


A: Can you report on the progress of our new project?
B: OK, let me start. Last week our team gave a presentation at ABC Company. And they are really interested in our new products. If we could offer… That’s all from me.
A: Thanks. Who’s next?


Situation 3: At Classroom (場景3:教室中)


A: Alright guys, that’s all for today. See you tomorrow.
B: Where should I submit the handouts?
A: Oh, thank you for reminding me. Can you put it in this box?


That’s (about) it


接下來我要來介紹「That’s about it.」與「That’s it.」。

雖然用法跟前面介紹到的「That’s all.」相同,但語意較為隨興一點。


Situation 1: At The Meeting (場景1:會議中)


A: Do you have any questions?
B: No. It’s all clear.
A: Alright. That’s it for today. Thank you for attending.


Situation 2: At The Office (場景2:辦公室中)


A: We have to give new ideas at the next meeting. Do you have some?
B: Redesigning our website, improving the product, and holding a promotional event. That’s about it.
A: Not bad.


Situation 3: At The café (場景3:咖啡廳中)


A: Hi there. What can I get for you?
B: Hi! I’ll get a regular latte and that chocolate doughnut.
A: Anything else?
B: That’s about it. Thanks.


So that’s ~ / So those are ~


接下來要介紹的是「So that’s ~ / So those are ~」。

「So that’s ~ / So those are ~」這個短句的意思是「這些是~~」。因為是正式的表現,所以通常作為商業場合的結尾用語使用


Situation 1: At The Meeting (場景1:會議中)


A: Could you please have a look at page 5? The graph shows the changes in sales volume from last year. … So that’s our promotion plan for the next year.
B: Thank you for the presentation. Would you mind telling me more about the data?


Situation 2: At The Meeting (場景2:會議中)


A: Can you glance up at the main screen? You can see numbers 1 to 8. So those are the issues we need to discuss today.
B: Which one should we start with?

to glance up at ~ :看到~~地方、把目光放到~~







I’m all done.




Situation 1: At The Office (場景1:會議中)


A: Have you finished everything that I asked you to do yesterday?
B: Yes, I have. I’ve forwarded the email, the conference room is ready, and I’ve already sent out the package. I’m all done.
A: Great! Thank you very much.


Situation 2: Online English Lesson (場景2:線上英語課程中)


A: Can you check the directions of Role Play Number 3?
B: Okay…Yes, I’m all done.
A: Then I’ll be the tourist, you’ll be the hotel staff, OK?







Situation 1: Presentation (場景1:發表時)


A: Thank you for the presentation, Mr. Smith. I have a question. Could you explain…?
B: Thank you for your opinion. As you say… Are there any other questions? If there are no questions, let’s conclude today’s presentation. Thank you very much for listening.


call it quits/call it a day


「call it quits」與「call it a day」的意思是「到此為止」



Situation 1: At The Meeting (場景1:會議中)


A: Well, let me check the last item on the agenda. I reckon we should discuss this but it’ll take time. So, I’ll tell you what. Let’s call it quits for today and we’ll have time to discuss tomorrow. OK?
B: No problem. I agree with you.


Thank you.


我們熟悉的「Thank you.」作為結尾用語來表達「感謝」非常好用呢!


Situation 1: Self Introduction (場景1:自我介紹)


A: This is Mr.Yamada. He is joining our team from today. Can you introduce a little bit of yourself?
B: Good morning, everyone. My name is Takahiro Yamada. You can call me Taka. I would like to talk about my likes and dislikes. I always eat ramen but I never eat strawberries. In my free time, I play baseball. I also like watching sports on TV. Yeah, that’s it for now. I look forward to working with everyone. Thank you.

在商業場合的話經常會用「I look forward to working with you.」表達「很期待能夠一起工作」的意思。

「Thank you.」作為結尾用語加入的話能使演說流暢地結尾。


Situation 2: E-mail (場景2:E-mail)


Subject: Meeting Minutes
To the staff in the customer service department:
Thank you very much for attending the meeting last week.
I have attached the meeting minutes to this email.
If there are any comments, please let us know by this Friday.
Thank you,
Takahiro YAMADA






「+ α」的部分各位可以加入能配合談話的內容喔!

• That’s all + α.
• That’s (about) it + α.
• So that’s ~ / So those are ~


• I’m all done.:結束、完成
• conclude:得出結論
• call it quits/call it a day:到此為止
• thank you:就這樣、謝謝





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◇經歴 曾在觀光業和英語會話學校工作超過5年,也在社交媒體上發佈關於英語學習的內容。 ◇資格 ・TOEIC950 ◇海外經驗 曾有過美國地區的短期語言留學經驗,已經去過5個以上的國家旅行。 ◇自我介紹 通過電影和音樂了解了英語的樂趣,學生時期修過英語口譯課程!之後從新入職至今都從事與英語相關的工作。即使現在身處台灣,也在尋找提升英語能力的方法,每天都在努力學習。夢想是環遊世界遺產和電影取景地,以及在百老匯觀賞所有的音樂劇作品!
